Arima, Trinidad - page 4

Business View Caribbean
seven Councilors and two Aldermen who are respon-
sible for the management of the city’s affairs and its
500 employees. The city’s funding comes from the
central government, but according to Hadeed, there is
an impending change to Trinidad’s local government
structure which will soon require each municipality to
collect its own funds from property taxes in order to
underwrite any future development projects.
Current projects in Arima include the building of the
150-bed Arima Hospital, which is a project of the cen-
tral government, and two new community centers and
a senior citizens’ activity center which is a municipal
project. In addition, says Hadeed, “We continue with
our usual infrastructure in terms of our drains and side-
walks. We are also going to refurbish our sidewalks in
the town center, and we are installing a welcome arch
into the town.”
Many other revitalization projects are summarized
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