CIACS | Caribbean Industrial and Agricultural Chemical Services Limited

6 Business View Magazine ing named “Most Outstanding Service Provider Team” by Atlantic LNG after the train 4 shutdown in March 2012, a significant contribution toward a stretch of 1 million safe work hours at PCS Nitrogen Trinidad Ltd. in September 2012 and exemplary safety performance at Atlantic LNG, which helped that company reach 20 million man-hours without a lost time injury in 2013. Some of the company’s most high-profile clients in- clude PCS Nitrogen, Trinidad & Tobago Methanol Company, Atlantic LNG, Nu-Iron, Arcelor Mittal, Yara Trinidad, Petrotrin, Point Lisas Nitrogen, Phoenix Park Gas Processors, Industrial Plant Services, Caribbean Nitrogen Company, Atlas Methanol Company, Air Liq- uid, Damus, Weldfab, Paramount Transport & Trad- ing, Trinidad Cement, Proman Ag, Jo Khan General Contractors, Junior Sammy Contractors, Asco Trinidad, Tosl Engineering and NMAP Services. “CIACS is committed to focusing its activities and re- sources on the understanding and meeting of our cus- tomers’ needs and expectations,” Jody Ali said, “the application of technology, research and innovation to continuously improve its processes and services, safe, cost effective and environmentally responsible opera- tions and having a highly trained and motivated work force.”