The Courtleigh Hotel & Suites - page 2

Business View Caribbean
The Courtleigh
Hotel & Suites
A home away from home for the business traveler
There are countless hotels in the Caribbean that cater
to the leisure traveler. Since many people, obviously,
do visit the region with the intent only to relax and re-
juvenate, this is a logical business model to adopt. But
the Caribbean is also a place where people come to do
business. And what Kevin Hendrickson, Managing Di-
rector of the Courtleigh Hotel & Suites in Kingston, Ja-
maica, saw back in 1997, was that a business model
that catered to those who did come to the Caribbean
to do business was an unfilled niche. So he decided to
fill it by building a hotel for the business traveler who
was not on vacation.
“We were trying to study what the demands were – the
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