Business View Caribbean
has ambitious plans for her company’s future. “I’d like
to see us have a footprint on other parts of the island,”
she says. “I think there’s great talent there. I’d like to
see us break the one thousand agent mark in the not-
too-distant future. One of the things that I’m hoping to
accomplish is to tap into the other skills that we have
in Jamaica. There’s an opportunity for us to grow in the
higher end of outsourcing solutions to companies as it
relates to financial services. And we’re also looking to
broaden our vertical base.”
Clearly, Jackie Sutherland has turned her dream of
establishing a successful business in Jamaica into a
reality. And it is the mission of Global Gateway Solu-
tions to keep evolving so that it can enter new markets
and industries as it continues to provide its outsourc-
ing services wherever help is needed.
Billy Craig Insurance