National Solid Waste Management Authority - page 9

Business View Caribbean
to cash,” as Pryce puts it. Indeed, the central govern-
ment is contemplating partnering with the private sec-
tor for a waste to energy conversion strategy that will
reward investors while also serving as an affordable
way to manage Jamaica’s municipal solid waste.
As Pryce continues to re-invent NSWMA’s operational
structure, while also rebuilding its image, he is firm
about hewing to the Authority’s core values. “We use
the acronym ‘ATTIRE,’” he says. “We want our stake-
holders to hold us Accountable. We believe in Team-
work. We also believe in Transparency, and Integrity
is the bedrock of our organization. We believe in Re-
spect, and we strive for Excellence. And that sums up
what we are.”
While the NSWMA is searching for a new, permanent
Executive Director, its Interim Director, Colonel Pryce
issues his final marching orders, once again elucidat-
ing NSWMA’s core values: “This organization is moti-
vated,” he declares. “This Authority is committed to
what it has to do. We are committed to our mandate
and that we do so clothed in ATTIRE. We are Account-
able. We’ll be Transparent. We will ensure that what-
ever we do, we’ll do it with Teamwork. We will jealously
guard our Integrity. And we’re committed to display
and show Respect to each other, and to our stakehold-
ers, and to those who would seek to criticize us, that
we are committed to Excellence.” Yes sir!
CAC 2000, Ltd. -
Sagicor Life Jamaica, Ltd.
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