A world leader in food supply management and export logistics Continued success to our partner and friends at Grace Belize Limited built on trust, service, value and quality Belize has an excellent relationship with the farming community and the fishing community in Belize and we’re looking at expanding our relation- ships with local manufacturers who currently manufacture oth- er products that we distribute, such as bleach, juice drinks, pa- per products, pepper sauces, and vinegar - looking at howwe can work with some of these manu- facturers to export their products to the Caribbean and to neigh- boring Central America.” “In addition, we believe that our success comes because of our people. It’s not the technol- ogy, it’s not the equipment - we have to have the right people and so we invest in developing our people. We’re continually assessing performance and putting in programs to improve their skills to make sure they can deliver on our objectives. And as we continue to grow, we have to make sure that we have the right people with the right skill sets to take the business where we want it to go. So, we continue to train and we continue to recruit people to meet the growing needs.” Finally, Graham talks about the company’s succession plans: “We know that, at some point in time, we will have to move on, so we try and make sure that we identify succes- sors, particularly for key po- sitions.We work with those successors so, when the time comes, they can step into those positions and take over so that the business can continue to grow. This is our 35th anniver- sary and we plan to be around for another 35 years and more.” GRACEKENNEDY BELIZE LIMITED
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