Milton Cato Memorial Hospital

MILTON CATO MEMORIAL HOSPITAL healthcare requirements in their country. For example, people who want to come home to Saint Vincent at certain times call ahead to find out if we have this service or that ser- vice… if we don’t, they can make informed decisions either to shorten their time here, or ask about alternatives; access to nearby coun- tries or quick transfers back home.We have to think about not just ordinary healthcare requests, but the extraordinary ones, as well.” Currently, the hospital provides emergency care, surgical, and medical care. Oncology is offered on a small scale, and that is increas- ing. There are no cardiologists on staff, how- ever, some of the medical schools have cardi- ologists assigned to them, and MCMH has an agreement with the schools to tap into that resource to have consultations at the hospital. Walters emphasizes, “We are very strong partners with the World Pediatric Project, a group out of America that makes available the resources of hospitals in Virginia and oth- er U.S. states that sign up with the project. Re- sources like pediatric surgeons, orthopedics, scoliosis surgeons, plastic surgeons, physio- therapists –different missions throughout the year.We are grateful to have their full support in terms of expertise and tangible resources like consumable goods. They bring their own supplies when they come. And this has im- pacted, not only Saint Vincent and the Grena- dines, but our regional neighbors, as well.We have children from St. Lucia, Barbados, St. Kitts-Nevis, Antigua, Dominica, and Grenada coming to Saint Vincent to receive care. That partnership we have with the World Pediatric Project is in- valuable.” MCMH relies on a good relationship with several suppliers –GE Healthcare for biomedical machinery such as CT scans and X-ray machines; Western Scientific out of Trinidad for equipment and supplies. For medication, the hos- pital is partnered with other members of the OECS (Organization of Eastern Caribbean States) to procure drugs and other pharmaceuticals. A local partner, Caribbean Investment Limited, supplies oxygen to institutions throughout the islands. Walters wants people to know that the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital is open to all. “We are the only major hospital in Saint Vincent and the Grena- dines. Our doctors, all our health profes- sionals, are highly trained. Most doctors have trained in institutions abroad. Our nurses are coveted worldwide.We are an institution that offers exceptional medical care and caters for the whole person.” No worries, when you’re in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. You are definitely in good hands. PREFERRED VENDOR n Collins Ltd. Founded in 1888, Collins Limited located in St Thomas, Barbados is the region’s leading pharmaceutical manufacturer and its top distributor of medical and hospital supplies. It has approximate- ly 270 full-time employees and generates $38 million in annual revenue.