Milo Butler

I n a small parkacross the street fromParlia- ment Square inNewProvidence,Bahamas, there is a large bronze statue of Sir Milo Butler,the first Governor General of the Bahamas.Active in politics and governmental affairs for manyyears,and appointed to the post after the country received its indepen- dence from the British Commonwealth in 1973,Butler was also among the leading merchants inNewProvidence,having found- ed the companyMilo Butler and Sons Ltd., manyyears before. Milo Butler was born inNassau in 1906, and,at the age of 14,he beganworking to help support his family.At age 20,he opened his first storewith a partner,selling grocer- ies andmeat.In 1928,hemarried Caroline Watson,and over the years,the couple had A PROUD FAMILY LEGACY MILO BUTLER AND SONS LTD. and Sons Ltd. AT A GLANCE MILO BUTLER AND SONS LTD. WHAT: A wholesale and retail distributor of grocery, meat, and general mer- chandise products WHERE: New Providence, the Bahamas WEBSITE: www.milobbutler