Lifespan Company Limited

L I FESPAN COMPANY L IMI TED efficiency, and profitability for the company. Circumstances surrounding COVID-19 had the project pushed back last year, but the system has recently launched and is on track for 2021. This will offer a virtual storefront, allowing online ordering, payment, and scheduling of deliveries, making it much more efficient than the back- and-forth emails and phone calls between Lifespan staff and customers. In April of 2020, Lifespan acquired a new distributor, T. Geddes Grant. One of the leading distribution companies in Jamaica, T. Geddes Grant was established in 1901 and has been part of the Musson Group of Companies since 1996. Lifespan has several ways of getting their product into the market, as Robert Scott, General Manager shares, “We have a such a dynamic recent audit. This third-party certification verifies the quality and safety of the production and final product, in this case, the superior quality water in which Lifespan takes the greatest pride. With the completion of a fully automated production line in 2020, the company intends to maximize the potential of that line this year. Nayana Williams, CEO and Managing Director of Lifespan Company explains, “Lifespan completed the build out of its capacity in 2020 and is now able to produce three times what it normally produces. The plan is to maximize this capacity by increasing our market share locally and also expand our exports.” The implementation of an ERP system is another way in which Lifespan is working towards more Management Team