Business View Magazine
which contribute to a full range of dynamic solutions
for any scale project.
In fact, he said, OTSL's flexibility proves an ideal agent
for ensuring clients the ability to maximize usage of
individual general or precision expertise and be confi-
dent that a complete project suite is readily available
to design, manage and engineer cost effective results
from start to finish.
The current workforce typically numbers around 100
employees, and the company’s headquarters and wa-
terfront operational yard are in Chaguaramas, which
lies just west of the capital city, Port of Spain, on a
northwest peninsula of Trinidad. The peninsula had
been leased to the United States for construction of
a naval base in 1940, but was returned to Trinidadian
control in 1963.
The territory in which work is performed stretches as
necessary for specific projects. Several recent jobs
have been performed as close as Venezuela and Bar-
bados, while a six-month assignment in 2014 involved
operations in the Pacific Ocean off the Ecuadorian
coast – more than 1,500 miles away.
Significant recent customers have included interna-
tional companies with an appropriate local offshore
interest, like British Gas and BP.
“We do everything underwater. We don’t do anything
above,” Bertrand said.
“Broadly speaking, we will work directly with the energy
companies for maintenance work and inspection – ex-
cept for Petrotrin, where we also do field development
work. When the majors have field development work,
we have subcontractors and people that we bring in
offshore. We’ve created a niche for ourselves by pro-
viding ROV services to the drill rigs that are both here