AMCHAM JAMAICA also provides what Abrahams calls “business matchmaking activities” with U.S. companies. “We work closely with the U.S. embassies,” she explains. “They have what they call ‘Gold Key’ service. A company in the United States, which is a member of the U.S. Chamber, can contact the embassy in Jamaica, or any embassy across the Caribbean and say, ‘We want to invest. Can you provide that connection for us?’ The em- bassy will contact us, because we are the U.S. Chamber, here. They’ll connect us to that par- ticular company and we will do due diligence on that company. And then, we will provide that partnership with a member company here in Jamaica. Then you have companies that directly contact us and not go through the embassy.We will do our due diligence, also. And if a com- pany wants to register its products in Jamaica, we provide that service for them. So, we have different value propositions that we bring to the table for all our members.” AMCHAM has several standing committees that operate to foster its goals of: promoting investment and trade among the United States, Jamaica, the region, and the world; promoting Jamaican exports; and providing Jamaican and American business people with a forum to ad- vocate for public policies that will enhance the business climate between the two countries. The Finance Committee’s goal is to ensure the financial viability of the organization; the Membership Committee’s goal is to increase and service the membership; the Trade and Investment Committee’s goal is to establish an on-going dialogue with members of the U.S. and Jamaican governments by conducting a minimum of four meetings a year with high-ranking officials; and the Events and Communi- cations Committee’s goal is to plan and co-ordinate events during the year. In addition to its President’s Breakfast, which is pri- marily for new members, its Leadership Series Break- fasts, which is where government leaders or industry experts speak, and its regular Members Mingle, AM- CHAM Jamaica also hosts a yearly Gala and Awards Event, which is attended by several hundred members. The organization also reaches out to its member companies via its membership directory and its online
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