ways, TUIfly, Condor, Thomas Cook, Air Berlin, VARIG, USAir, and Delta Airlines. General Manager, Cary W. Tulloch, over- sees Goddard Catering Barbados operations, which are run from a modern and fully HAC- CP compliant facility that meets or exceeds local and international standards. Financial Controller, Kay Leacock, joins Tulloch in shar- ing insights on past and present successes, along with future goals of this outstanding company. “Our catering operation in Barbados began because the market opened up and we were there to capitalize on the opportunity that presented itself,” Leacock explains. “Because it was not previously done by anyone, and we had the resources available, we could do it. We now have about 200 people working for this entity.” Coordination of companies that fall under the Goddard Catering Division take place at the Head Office in Florida, overseen by Mr. Stewart Massiah, the Divisional General Manager for the Catering Division of God- dard Enterprises Limited. Barbados has its own central office with operations housed in one primary facility. Leacock notes, “We also have four terminal concession outlets located at the actual airport. Three inside the airport in the departure lounge are for travellers, only. And we have one on the land side, which is available to everyone.” Revenue for the Goddard Catering Barbados sector comes from three areas: airline catering, GODDARD CATERING GROUP (BARBADOS) LIMITED terminal concessios and event catering to local functions. The overall earning split reveals that airline catering brings in over 90 percent of total revenue- a statistic that highlights the lucrative nature of this niche market, as well as the achievements of a well-man- aged company. Tulloch stresses that quality control is of supreme importance. “We have partnerships with both our local and overseas suppliers to ensure that our customers get the best quality at the best price, consistently.We also audit and work with our suppliers to ensure that their operations and product are up to the stringent standards of the industry.” Since there are competing food caterers in the events and termi- nal concessions sectors, how does the company differentiate itself in the marketplace? Tulloch says, “Our event catering business is marketed through various ave- nues: ads in popular magazines and catalogues, on our website and social media, e-mail blasts, and targeting of specific clients through direct approaches. Our delivery vans are liveried in our colors, logo, and contact informa- tion.We also had a large, high-end function late last year to show- case what we can do.” What sets the company apart
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