
T he Dr. Hora- cio E. Odu- ber Hospita- al (HOH), the only hospital on Aru- ba, officially opened in January 1977. Before then, a Catholic hospi- tal, San Pedro di Verona, established by the Dominican sisters in 1920, was located in Oranjestad.When the hospital moved to a new building in 1997, it was renamed after the first Aruban doctor, Dr. Horacio E. Oduber MD. Before the opening of San Pedro di Verona Hospital, doctor Oduber treated patients at his home (Quinta del Car- men, located at Bubali). This building still exists and, after a restoration to its original state, is now in use as a very well visited restaurant.  Today, the HOH has a capacity of 288 beds THE DR. HORACIO E. ODUBER HOSPITAAL and offers all major medical specialties, includ- ing: Pediatrics, Gynecology, Urology, Internal Medicine, General Surgery, Neurosurgery, Neurology, Nephrology, Psychiatry, Gastro-Enterology, Anes- thesiology, Plastic Surgery, Dermatology, Obstetrics, Ophthalmology, Bariatric Surgery, Otolaryngology, Radiology, Pulmonology, and Cardiology. It has a Wound Care Clinic, a Dialysis Clinic, an in- patient/outpatient On- cology department, and a Rehabilitation Center. The Hospital admits close to 12,000 patients per year and the Emergency Department attends to more than 34,000 pa- The Dr. Horacio E. Oduber Hospitaal ARUBA’S ONLY HOSPITAL AT A GLANCE THE DR. HORACIO E. ODUBER HOSPITAAL WHAT: Aruba’s only hospital WHERE: Oranjestad, Aruba WEBSITE: www.arubahospital.com