Biomedical Enterprises of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (BMETT)
B IOMEDI CAL ENTERPR I SES OF TR INIDAD AND TOBAGO L IMI TED (BMETT ) is to: Enhance healthcare by providing leading- edge technology and unwavering support to our frontline partners, enabling them to deliver transformative diagnostics and treatment to their patients. And we have focused our Vision: To be the leading solutions provider for the healthcare sector, continuously adding value through our dynamic network of resources and quality service delivery, contributing to a more progressive industry and a healthier society. Operations The merging of factors of our operations with elements of our capabilities gave BMETT its initial shape and its corporate structure. Our early analysis of the medical environment showed us that, according to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), life expectancy in the Region ranges over an average of 68/76 (years), males and females respectively. The Global Health Observatory’s (GHO’s) priority health issues in the Region – including diabetes, heart and kidney diseases among women and children – have been and continue to be an intrinsic reason for the adoption of a proactive stance of prevention and the harnessing of our medical capabilities, through the procurement of the necessary tools and technologies. Additionally, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – Geneva World Health Organization 2017 and Associated Global Development targets – cite health as the primary indicator for
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