Biomedical Enterprises of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (BMETT)

B IOMEDI CAL ENTERPR I SES OF TR INIDAD AND TOBAGO L IMI TED (BMETT ) Technology has been the critical fuel that oils our machinery – from the world-class equipment and systems we supply to our customers, to the first-world digital matrix we employ for our internal and external communications. Because of the top-level quality of our technological facilities, we have been able to manoeuvre the standards of our delivery to a relatively safe place during the global COVID-19 pandemic. Case in point, thanks to Smart Remote Services (SRS)/Remote Connectivity, services that formerly required on-site visits are now available via an online connection. But that’s not all. Powered by SRS, we enable our customers to take full advantage of their system’s potential. For example, by proactively monitoring their equipment, we can detect parameter deviations before problems occur… thus safeguarding their medical equipment against software attacks, and helping them improve their equipment utilisation and speed up their daily operations.