Biomedical Enterprises of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (BMETT)

B IOMEDI CAL ENTERPR I SES OF TR INIDAD AND TOBAGO L IMI TED (BMETT ) ensures the highest performance of a customer’s system, preventing unnecessary downtime, promoting proactive and early detection and replacement of faulty parts. Sustainability & environment BMETT’s definition of ‘the environment’ goes beyond the ‘eco’ category and takes in the technological-environment (particularly as it pertains to the healthcare sector of our society), as well as our economic-environment, and others. With respect to our eco-environment, BMETT has undertaken to play its part as a responsible corporate entity committed to every practical level of our community’s wellbeing. For instance, we’ve chosen to locate our offices in the midst of a well-known food-basket area of Trinidad with agrarian surroundings, and we’ve taken care to outfit our building with accents, which aesthetically remind us that human life benefits from a symbiotic relationship with plant life. Our techno-environment is being taken care of by our comprehensive range of digital equipment, both hardware and software, and is well-managed by personnel trained up to maximize our significant investment in technology. Our economic environment is significantly competitive, but we see our fellow operators not as adversaries but as adjuncts to the many sources of inspiration which keep us business savvy and sharp. Finally, our social environment is where the essence of the BMETT business resides, framed entirely by international highest standards in ethics, integrity, and pin-point principles which govern our policies and practices, in matters from Finance to Diversity, Contracts to Delivery. Future In the final analysis, a superb corporate development plan is only as good as the foundation on which it is based. In BMETT’s