Aquarius Caribbean
8 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN VOLUME 9, ISSUE 8 AQUAR IUS CAR I BBEAN younger team, noting, “We try to use that younger energy to give the whole building and engineering environment a lively and catchy concept through storytelling. I try to translate the dust and the concrete into visions and nice photographs.” As for attracting new clients, word of mouth is the number one marketing tool for Aquarius Caribbean. “We care a lot about relationships with the clients, since in the end, that’s our most important lead to another client. We try to do that simply by being there for them, not only in building their house, but also creating their home. I think that’s a very important thing,” asserts van den Bogaard. Van Lieshout adds, “Some really become friends, because of course, Curacao is a small island and you see each other everywhere. I always say, our main goal in the work that we do is quality. Not only quality in building the house, because a lot of people can do that, but there is also a lot of quality in the communication that we have with our clients.”
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