don’t provide electrical and/or plumbing services, so those have to be contracted out.” Over the next several years,Tyson says that the company would like to extend its operations to the greater Caribbean region. She believes that Lefco has been a trailblazer in St. Kitts and Nevis in the field of heavy equipment and construc- tion, and is poised to expand and extend its operations. As for its founder and leader, Orville Liburd, her assessment is simple and direct: “He’s an innovator. He thinks far outside of the box. He’s always a step ahead.” And that makes construction easier. LEFCO Construction and mining Preferred vendors n Claxton’s Services www.claxtonservices.com n SOL EC Limited www.solpetroleum.com/st-kitts-nevis We are a ‘one stop shop’ for all construc- tion needs. Most of the services often re- quested are redimix concrete, concrete block, quarry materials, like sand, stone, and stone dust, and heavy equipment.” Tyson believes that one of the main rea- sons that Lefco is so successful is because, except for the cement that it buys from Trinidad, it produces everything else, itself. This allows the company to be extremely price-competitive in the concrete market.“We separate ourselves from the competitors on Nevis through our pricing.We’re able to lower our prices to the consumer due to the fact we produce mostly all of the materials required for the concrete production,” she states. To build on that success, Tyson reveals that, one day, the company would like to have its own property development division. “We’ve been building for others over the years; we think that we should now concen- trate on further establishing the Lefco leg- acy by having our own property investment and development company.” Tyson adds that more construction means more jobs for local workers.At present, Lefco has about 60 employees and has had as many as 120, two years ago,when it was the prime contractor on a major construction project on St. Kitts.“Our goal is to create jobs in the country,” she says. “In terms of the foundation and all the materi- als needed for building,we are able to provide those deliverables. We also have architects and engineers, but,we don’t do everything; we Alice Tyson Candice Pinney EUSTACE CLAXTON Orville liburd Oswaldwilfred Shennel arthurton
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