Bureau of Standards Jamaica

BUREAU OF STANDARDS 50 years of excellence C elebrating half a century of excellence in 2019, the Bureau of Standards Jamaica (BSJ) continues to play a vital role in facilitating trade, training, and encouraging entrepreneurial spirit throughout the Island of Jamaica. BSJ is a statutory body established by The Standards Act of 1969 to promote standardization in relation to commodities, processes, and practices. Over the years, that role has expanded into conformity assessment (certification, testing, and calibration) and metrology. Today, the Bureau’s main activities are: facilitating development of standards and compliance requirements for particular commodities, services, practices, and processes; monitoring for compliance; conducting tests and calibrating instruments; certifying products and management systems; providing industrial training; and promoting research and education in standardization. The portfolio includes ensuring compliance with The Standards Act (1968), The Processed Food Act (1959) and the Weights and Measures Act (1976). Other aspects of its mandate are implemented under The Trade Act (1955), The Customs Act (1941), AT A GLANCE BUREAU OF STANDARDS JAMAICA WHAT: Statutory body for the facilitation of trade, training, and conformity assessment WHERE: Kingston, Jamaica WEBSITE: www.bsj.org.jm JA