
C reating a built environment that embraces and complements the natural beauty of the Bahamas is not a task to be taken lightly. But Talcove Construction has proven worthy on every level. The firm’s reputation for delivering quality services to local and international clients is exemplary. By developing strong relationships with their customers and industry partners, repeat business and frequent referrals have followed. Talcove Construction operates out of Great Abaco and offers construction services throughout the entire Bahamas. As a preferred general contractor, they provide project estimating and budgeting, value engineering, scheduling, logistics, and overall project management. The Talcove team has the expertise to successfully execute any project – from custom residential and second home properties to multi-million dollar commercial projects. Company President, Trevor Wallace, recalls, “We started Talcove in 2014, after working many years for a developer. I had an opportunity to work along with the AT A GLANCE TALCOVE WHAT: A full-service general contracting firm WHERE: Headquarters in Great Abaco, Bahamas WEBSITE: www.talcove.com Talcove B U I L D I N G E X C E L L E N C E I N T H E B A H A M A S