BVI Health Services Authority

23 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 9, ISSUE 12 an 81-bed inpatient acute care facility, and community health services, providing primary care through 13 clinics scattered across the Territory. Although the BVI consists of 66 islands, there are four main inhabited islands where most of the population lives. The BVIHSA provides health services across the entire Territory catering to the entire scope of services from birth to older age, covering various specialty services. WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP Human Resources development and diversity is a core feature of the organization. This is reflected in the appointments of a number of female leaders across the BVIHSA. At the helm is Acting CEO Dr. June Samuel - who explained that the BVI Health Services Authority is one of the largest employers in the Territory. The Acting CEO also noted that the organization’s more than six hundred staff complement, which includes more than 20 nationalities is a reflection of the melting pot nature of the British Virgin Islands community. Assuming the top job at this notable health care institution was a natural journey for Dr. Samuel; who shared that while in high school she gained her first summer job experience at the then Peebles Hospital laboratory. Now, decades later she is at the top post and shared, “It’s my passion to serve. I see my job as serving the whole community, which I find fulfilling in many ways. Every step of my career has been about wanting to help make systems better because I recognize that properly functioning systems and processes create well positioned services from which consumers can benefit.”. “ I have a passion for health care and believe that we must be healthy to benefit from any other opportunity we have. If we’re not healthy, we lose opportunities…I see much potential in the BVI Health Services Authority and will do all I can to help us transform our nation’s healthcare systems and the general health of the population,” the Acting CEO declared. As acting CEO of BVIHSA, Dr. Samuel has risen BV I HEALTH SERV I CES AUTHOR I TY