Gorham's Limited
51 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 9, ISSUE 12 to other professions like law and accounting.” “As part of this rethink, we tell new employees that they can start from the ground and work their way up to be a sales floor associate, supervisor, and manager. We also encourage our people to work towards growing beyond retail sales to become direct sales reps in the lumber business, where they can take on bigger responsibilities and earn more money.” Gorham hopes this novel approach increases the appeal for retail jobs among Bermudans while reducing employee turnover. For now, and in the wake of the COVID pandemic, the store has also demonstrated the sector’s resilience, managing to weather the worst of the pandemic’s economic headwinds. In contrast, other sectors like hospitality and restaurants succumbed. Gorham’s location in an island nation frequently buffeted by fierce winds and rain has meant the store must stock hurricane-proofing materials. Mackay explains that this is standard practice on the island, where all construction is done with hurricane-proofing in mind. “During hurricane season, we publish adverts reminding people it is hurricane season. We tell them to prepare early and avoid last- minute shopping. On our part, we always make sure we have adequate stocks before the start of hurricane season. We will ensure we have storm-proofing essentials like two- by-fours, plywood, flashlights, and more.” Roofing is another essential component of storm-proofing a building. Mackay says the island uses a unique building system to ensure all houses can withstand storms. “All houses in Bermuda are made with concrete blocks, which makes them more robust than houses built with wood, which is the main building material in the United States. The roofs are also generally made of cement slate, but more recently, builders have used specialized paints and other coating materials to build storm-resistant roofs.”
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