State Insurance Company Limited

37 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 9, ISSUE 12 and Barbuda continues its efforts towards food security and self-preservation. Ms. Nicholas explains, “We are certainly looking to follow the market in terms of the economic drivers that have grown as a result of the pandemic, with a more intense thrust for sustainability. During the pandemic, many entrepreneurs were birthed as an adaptive response to the closures and economic downturn. Persons have responded to the call to invest, take risks, and put themselves out there, starting their own businesses. In response to that increased demand, we’re looking into those specialised areas that we can grow alongside our local economy and continue to support our clients for another 45 years and beyond.” SICL attributes its success to a solid foundation of core values and its most valuable assets – the people. Core values include trust, respect, communication, integrity, innovation, and teamwork. This is a company that values its collaborative relationships. Aarion A. Nicholas, Chief Executive Officer