State Insurance Company Limited

38 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 9, ISSUE 12 Ms. Nicholas shares, “We have enjoyed fruitful, long-standing relationships with our support partners, many of which were in excess of 20 years. These partnerships have given us a competitive edge in the market and allow us to give back to our community through our financial services, products, and work within the community itself. And it’s not only our business partners - we also foster longevity in our client relationships. “Some of our clients have been on our books for 20, 30, or even 40 years and have brought their children into the brand as well. We have an amazing team with negligible turnover that serves as the foundation of the closely knitted family-oriented culture. We are both proud of and truly humbled by this.” Having opened a physical office in Barbuda earlier this year, there is a lot of excitement and expectation for the development that is ongoing, Ms. Nicholas concludes. “There is a lot Cassandra Vital-Powell, Chief Risk Officer STATE INSURANCE COMPANY L IMI TED (S I CL )