Business View Caribbean
landfill space, reduces
conserves natural re-
sources, and prevents
environmental pollution.
Thus, the company is
currently providing plas-
tic and glass recycling
services to residential,
educational, and com-
mercial locations.
Lastly, Waste Dispos-
als (2003) Ltd. destroys products that are potentially
harmful, such as expired food stuffs and pharmaceuti-
cals, which are hauled to an approved landfill for spe-
cial disposal; oily rags, which are burned in smart ash
incinerators; and fluorescent bulbs which are put into
the company’s “Bulb Eater,” where they are destroyed
while the internal chemicals are passed through HEPA
filters, and the crushed glass, metal, and filters, are
encapsulated in cement prior to their disposal at an
approved landfill.
Sookhai Diesel
– Sookhai Diesel services and repairs
diesel vehicles of all kinds, including light, medium,
and heavy-weight trucks, farm and construction equip-
ment, recreational vehicles, and more. The company
supplies parts for Caterpillar, Cummins, Perkins, and
Detroit Diesel vehicles, and is also an authorized deal-
er and distributor for Denso, Bosch, Dipaco, Zexel, and
Stanadyne. It serves customers in Trinidad and To-
bago, and several other Caribbean islands, including
Barbados and Grenada. -
VD Sales Enterprises Ltd.