THE BARBADOS INVESTMENT AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION promoting its programs to local individuals and companies through so- cial media,newspaper and radio ads,and public events in communities, schools,and churches,it also collaborates with other governmental and non-governmental agencies and organizations,especially those that reach out to students and others who are training for careers. “We have an EntrepreneurshipThrough Education program,where we help young persons of school age to understandwhat it means to be an entrepreneur,and,as a result,interest them in getting into busi- ness,”she explains.“We also have relationships with our local Polytech- nic and CommunityColleges,and the Universityof theWest Indies.We also have aMemorandumof Understanding (MOU) with the Barbados Institute of Management and Productivity (BIMAP),whichwas es- tablished years agowith the assistance of the BIDC,because of the identified need to have training available for the industrial sector.So, through BIMAP,we’re able to influence the training of persons involved in industry.” In order to promote its existing clients’products and services beyond Barbados,the BIDCparticipates in regional and international trade shows.“We’re preparing to go to Panama inMarch; we’re also going to the Dominican Republic; and for the last two years we have participated in Cuba’s premier trade show,” Trotman says.“We’re also involved in shows in the UK and the US.These shows are used to take our clients to display their products,promoting them to theworld.” Whilemanyof BIDC’s projects are specific to its individual clients, the agency also produces general interest events.“One of the projects we have execut- ed for the last two years, and are already advancing plans to host again this year, is a major conference on innovation,”Trotman reports.“We believe that if the sectors we serve are going to grow, theymust innovate to have maximum impact. So, in hosting the Innovate Barbados Conference,we brought in speakers,some from the region and some interna- tionally,and brought together clients,students,and persons in the business community to educate them and to bring awareness to thewhole topicof inno- vationwhenmaking business decisions and taking a company to the next level.So,we’re looking forward to Innovate Barbados 2018,which is set for November 7th and 8th.” Trotman admits that the business environment in Barbados has been verychallenging over the last few years,and,as a result,manyof BIDC’s clients are look- ing for opportunities in newareas.“We hope to help our clients bybringing together persons whomaybe able to assist and stimulate newbusiness decisions.” she says.In addition,the agency is expanding its hori- zons in order to secure additional financial aid for itself as well as some of the businesses it assists. “One of the areas we’re looking to grow,and become
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