more involved in,is the renewable energy sector,” Trotman proffers.“We have several industrial build- ings and we have entered into programs leasing rooftops which can be outfitted with photovol- taics as a means of generating revenue for our- selves, but also assisting businesses who enter into the lease the opportunity to generate reve- nue for themselves from the sale of the energy generated from solar panels back to the national energy grid.That is an area we’re hoping to ex- pand and give more attention to in 2018.” Fern Lewis, BIDC’s Director of Business Support Services, sums up the agency’s goals, going for- ward: “BIDC hopes to be a catalyst for innovation as we try to build on what we do best,” she de- clares.“And because we recognize that the eco- nomic times are challenging,we see that as an opportunity for us to identify new areas of enter- prise for Barbados and to use those challenges to nudge our entrepreneurs into looking beyond the domestic market and to see how they can trade globally-beyond just the physical transfer of goods from Barbados to our international mar- kets, but also in the trade of ideas and designs.” THE BARBADOS INVESTMENT AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION