Jetcon Corporation Ltd.

vehicles Jetcon brings in have the steering wheel on the right-hand side. According to Jackson, “It’s an interesting supply market, in that we get cars that are three or four or five years old and extremely good quality because they don’t drive that much in Japan and their road conditions are excellent. The vehicles don’t get a lot of battering over there. And we get them at pretty good prices because they are refurbished.” Customers are mostly local, young, entry-level buyers. Often, they are fresh out of college, just starting a career and, Ja- maica being a low-income country, the price of a new vehicle is out of reach. So, they turn to well-known and trusted Jetcon, where they’ll find quality, pre-owned cars (all the major Japa- nese brands), and have an honest, affordable purchase experience. (Bit of trivia: Jetcon’s most popular selling color of car, currently, is silver gray.) As for how much competition they have, Jack- son expresses it in one word, “Lots! There are about 200 used car dealers on the island. We differentiate ourselves by working on our own merit,” he states. “Jetcon has the experience, the financial support, and a long-standing reputa- tion in the marketplace. And, of course, we offer very good prices.” Advertising is done through social media, newspaper, radio, and promotion- al events such as mini-car shows, from time to time. The main focus is on understanding their customers; offering excellent customer service from sales agents, and after-sale service, which clients appreciate. Jetcon is a member of the Jamaica Used Car Dealers Association, the Jamaica Karting As- sociation (Jackson was President of both), the Jamaica Classic Car Club, and the Jamaica Mil- lennium Motoring Club. With an obvious love