Jetcon Corporation Ltd.

further, by taking the initiative to the rest of the Caribbean. Will electric vehicles be prevalent in Jamaica anytime soon? Jackson says, “It’s inevitable. The whole motor industry is going electric, there’s no turning back. Jamaica doesn’t currently have any public charging facilities or infrastructure on the island but it’s going to come. There are a few local people with electric cars, but they have their own chargers. We have two electric cars we’re experimenting with. It’s fun to be on the leading edge and experiment with the technology.” Summing up the quintessential Jetcon Cor- poration, Jackson notes, “We’ve been around a long time – in business almost thirty years. We’re well known on the island and listed on the Jamaica Stock Exchange, so we’re pretty open about what we do. The used car industry doesn’t necessarily have the highest reputation, but all our information on our books is public. And we also sell really good quality vehicles, have great customer service, and we’re just re- ally good people to deal with.” PREFERRED VENDORS n Jamaica Money Market Brokers Limited n Automotive Art Securities Dealer Licensed by the Financal Services Commission of Jamaica In 2016, JMMB Securities Ltd. was lead broker for the JETCON IPO, which has gone on to realise phenomenal returns for investors. Thank you Jetcon, for your partnership. We wish you continued success. 305 % TOTAL GROWTH * *Refers to the increase in the value of shares between the original IPO in MAR 2016 and trading value in Dec 2018. Past performance is not an indication of future returns. Tel: 876- 998-JMMB 5 6 6 2 www. jmmb .com