Princess Juliana International Airport
Airport’ has its different phases. Package One – Temporary Operations is a temporary operation and we don’t want to get complacent. Where we are today is pretty good and it is manage- able, more comfortable, better air-conditioned than the pavilions. But right now, we’re in Pack- age One, only at the ground level. “Then we’ll move upstairs for Package Two, but you can’t do the construction of the up- per departure level without the remediation process. We also had remediation downstairs; the BMS CAT group out of Texas were flown in to remove mold and cleanse the place to make sure it was secured against any possible health risks. It was then tested by the Farmer Envi- ronmental Group, to ensure it was safe for our passengers and, of course, our employees who are working there all day. So, that must happen upstairs, as well (original Departure Hall area). “The food and beverage concessions have come back online. We’re very proud of the local and international partners. We’ve also expanded to having Food Trucks on the Terminal grounds. Domino’s Pizza and Johney Burgers are found indoors and outdoors in our departure hall area. So, as soon as you arrive to the island, you can get something to eat, or while your family and friends wait on you to board your flight. On the inside, a lot of other concessions are taking shape, including: Subway, AMA, Dutch Delight, Market by Villa, Relay, ESCA, Shipwreck Shop, the Gouda Liquor Store, Le Bistro by Bacchus, Princess Promenade, Aunt Clara’s, and KAFFE. Taloula’s Flights, a popular bar, has created a cool concept with their construction; using driftwood that washed ashore during the hurri- canes. It’s done up really nicely and the tourists like it. Even though it’s temporary, that building area is pretty classy and has a ‘permanent’ look.” BVC: Are you teaming up with tourism partners in a marketing strategy? St. Luce-Jack: “Definitely. In Oct. 2017, we partnered with the Port of St. Maarten, the St. Maarten Tourist Office on the Dutch side, and the French St. Martin Tourist Office. Collectively, we partnered with their campaign called ‘Yes, We Are Open’ and that was featured in all our social media, media campaigns and during conferences. We attended the Routes Ameri-
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