
E coGas Free Zone N.V. is a subsidiary of EcoTech Aruba N.V.– a company established under the umbrella of Aruba-based, MetaCorp N.V. Metacorp’s business interests include movie theaters; a heavy equipment transportation company; a Coca-Cola bottling plant, which includes a brewery for the production of a local beer; a ready-mix concrete company that also manufactures blocks and pavers; stevedoring concerns in the country’s ports; a recycling plant that turns demolition rubble into aggregate and wash water from the bottling plant into semi-potable water for use in the concrete plant. EcoTech’s complete waste management program consists of waste collection for commercial, industrial, medical, residential, and maritime clients – supplying a wide range of totes, bins, buckets and oil totes which are serviced by a fleet of 22 MACK trucks. After pick up, all the collected waste is brought to the EcoTech sister company, EcoGas Free Zone N.V.– a state-of- the-art waste separation plant built in 2009. This facility separates the sand, glass, rocks, organics such as food waste, ferrous metals, and non-ferrous metals out of the waste stream. Marketable recyclables are exported around the world. The remainder of the waste, which EcoGas A ZERO WASTE FUTURE FOR ARUBA