Fontana Pharmacy
FONTANA PHARMACY a chance at Manchester Shopping Center in Mandeville, which was the only shopping center that wasn’t in Kingston. They opened Fontana Fashion and Fontana Pharmacy – two different stores. The fashion store was actually the flagship at the time; it was larger. After a year, they realized the pharmacy was bigger than the clothing store, so they made the pharmacy the flagship. They had the clothing store for another 20 years, but it didn’t pan out. But the pharmacy grew.” The Changs had seven children and, for many years, Kevin says that Bobby, who, in his 80s, is still at work as Chairman of the company, would commute between Jamaica and Canada, where the children all went to college. “I got an MBA at the University of Toronto, and my father asked me to come back and give the business a shot, and I said, ‘why not?’ So I came back in ’89,” Kevin continues. “People from Montego Bay used to come to Mandeville, where they saw our big pharmacy; there was nothing like that
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