Universal Equipment Sales & Service

8 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN VOLUME 9, ISSUE 2 UNI VERSAL EQUI PMENT SALES & SERV I CE caused drastic changes to parts and equipment availability, as well as lead times. These vary from supplier to supplier. Hernandez notes, “Some suppliers who generally had a product in stock, or a two-week lead time, are now from four to eight months. One of the laundry brand manufacturers we carry are out of parts and their supplier has trouble finding components, so they can’t make the boards. I ask when the parts will be in and they have no date. We try to find solutions outside the box that may cost us extra money but it’s better than losing a client. Customers are more aware now, though, and more understanding when they have to wait.” Looking to the future, Universal Equipment is in good hands. “We’re working on the new generation administration in the company,” says Hernandez, “so things are changing from what was done in the past. Mainly, we are working on internal improvements. As far as our perception of how people see us, I want to continue increasing our service force so we can provide an even better support to our clients, and we can continue evolving our product selection. We’ve really grown a lot on the commercial industrial laundry side and there is a market to continue that growth for sales and for service. Because of that, we’ve decided to separate the service side of the laundry business from the rest of the business. It’s better to divide our internal structure so that we can focus more of our personnel into the laundry side and our water heating side. By re-organizing, we can provide a better overall service to our clients.” He adds, “But it’s not the sale that counts, it’s the relationship you have with that person, that company, that distributor that wins out in the long term. I like to work with clients like friends, and be honest with them. I don’t push. That approach with people, as they get to know us, has paid off. They understand that we’re focused on the needs of a client. And with our expertise we help them find the best solution.”