Paper Plastic Products

4 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 9, ISSUE 11 Flemming wanted to start a business that wasn’t involved in perishable items that could be scaled up. Also, with insights gained from working in the family store, Flemming knew there was a market for these items. “Some of the customers around us really needed the service, and we started to provide it. This meant the company started to acquire clients,” says Flemming. Currently, the company employs between 20 to 25 employees, with some working remotely for P3 Paper Plastic Products full-time. Flemming’s goal for the enterprise is to create an international footprint, which from a nation of 30,000 individuals may seem ambitious but isn’t impossible with internet use. The company’s mandate is to deliver the service promised by its slogan, Good Prices, Better Service. This mandate means the company is moving at the same pace as the industry’s technological developments, and where they can offer a biodegradable option, they do. PAPER PLAST IC PRODUCTS While the technology is not there yet, P3 Paper Plastic Products wants to move towards delivering 100% biodegradable products as soon as possible, which won’t be a problem as the company is all about being an early adopter of technological solutions. The company utilizes a software solution for multiple facets of the company’s operations, including internal and external communications, human resources, CRM, A.I solutions, Ecommerce platforms, and many more. Firmly positioning itself as a business that communicates and promotes itself via social media by utilizing these software solutions, at the core of its communication plan is the focus on the company being service and customer-centric. “Our niche is customer service. We focus on helping our customers to receive the service they want, ensuring they are satisfied,” says Flemming.