Guyana Civil Aviation Authority

2 Business View Caribbean Guyana Civil Aviation Authority Overseeing all air transportation services and facilities in guyana The Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) was estab- lished in 2002 as a semi-autonomous body through the enactment of the Civil Aviation Act of 2000. Prior to that, the Authority was called the Civil Aviation De- partment and was part of the Ministry of Public Works and Communications. According to Chaitrani Heeralall, GCAA’s Director General, the Authority’s mandate is to oversee and regulate the aviation sector in Guyana and to provide all air navigation services. Previously, the department was responsible for airports and air navigation services, but had less regulatory responsi- bility. “Before, we were following the UK (United King- dom) Air Navigation Order, with assistance from the UK Civil Aviation Authority,” Heeralall explains.