USVI Water & Power Authority

Business View Caribbean 13 OUT OF THE WOODS T ECHNOLOGY THAT K E E P S YOU Asplundh’s Truck-as-a-Hub wireless technology provides real-time communication and data sharing between utility staff, crews, mobile devices and back-office systems. Through 4G LTEWi-Fi hot spots in our vehicles, Asplundh offers improved routine and emergency crew dispatching, the ability to relay on-site imagery and video, and reduce paper forms. Asplundh’s innovative technology helps keep your vegetation management program on track – and you out of the woods. ASPLUNDH.COM • 1-800-248-TREE it purchased the Virgin Islands Community Bank, be- coming the leading financial institution with the larg- est Branch and ATM network in the region. Today, First- Bank offers checking and savings accounts, personal loans and credit cards, and mortgage and auto loans to its individual customers. For its commercial clients, FirstBank offers business loans, lines of credit, and real estate financing. Other services include life, prop- erty, auto, and commercial insurance, as well as on- line and mobile banking. Comprehensive Security Concepts, Inc. – Compre- hensive Security Concepts, Inc. (CSC) is a professional security agency with a commitment to quality and indi- vidualized service. It has over 45 years of experience in the security arena, and has grown from a modest size into a large security guard agency with tourist-re- lated and large commercial facilities clientele. It has provided security for several major hotel and resorts, government and seaport base facilities. CSC has man- agerial and field experience in military and civilian law enforcement methodology, procedures, and practices. - Tantalus Systems Corp. - Tantalus provides a multi- purpose Smart Grid solutions platform for Advanced Metering, Demand Response, and Distribution Au- tomation. TUNet – the Tantalus Utility Network – is an award-winning, end-to-end communications and applications system that enables electric, water and gas municipal and cooperative utilities to automate processes, improve business operations, and deliver top-tier customer service. TUNet is deployed at utili- ties determined to manage resources intelligently and meet ambitious efficiency goals. -