services at KEMH include: CardiacDiagnostics,Clinical Dietetic Services,Continuing Care,DayHospital,Diag- nostic Imaging,DialysisTreatment,EmergencyServices, Home Care,Hospice Care,Hyperbaric andWound Care, Intensive Care Unit,Laboratoryand PathologyServices, Maternal Child,Medical SocialWork,OncologySer- vices,Palliative Care,Pharmacy,Rehabilitation Services, Stroke Rehabilitation,Surgical Services,andUrgent Care.KEMHhas 286 acute care beds,121 continuing care beds,and 9 hospice beds. While KEMH’s services are available to both Bermu- da residents and its visitors,MWI is a psychiatric facility for residents only.Services at MWI include: Child& Adolescent Services,CommunityRehabilitation Ser- vices,ChronicDiseaseManagement/Asthma andDia- betes Education,LearningDisabilityTreatment,Mental Health Program,Recreational Therapy,and Substance AbuseTreatment. In 2016,BHB’s Board of Directors approved a new strategicplan to cover the period from2016–2021 and a newClinical Services Plan is due to bemade public in the first quarter of 2018.“Theway that the 1970Act describes services,or theway it anticipated care being provided for the community’s acute needs, Masters Speciality Pharma partners with medical professionals and healthcare sys- tems (such as insurance companies, char- ities, foundations, clinics, and hospitals) to supply high-quality, life-changing medicines to patients, by prioritising the emerging markets. Masters is a UK headquartered company, with subsidiaries in El Salvador, Brazil and the USA. Our international operations start- ed over 34 years ago in the Caribbean and to this day we have continued to supply the region with products sourced from the UK, Europe, USA, and Canada. We specialise in providing unrivalled ac- cess to essential drugs in various therapeu- tic areas (such as oncology, haematology, orphan diseases, and pain management) to the Caribbean as well as South and Central America, the Middle East, and Africa. Whether the need is for unlicensed drugs (through Masters Speciality Access) or our own trusted brand of Masters products or locally registered medicines (through Mas- ters Speciality Medicines), our customers can always be comfortable knowing that we adhere to the highest standards of ethics, quality, regulatory compliance, and gover- nance. Masters also takes pride in the integrity of its supply chain – we have successfully shipped thousands of consignments con- taining cold products, fragile steriles, and controlled drugs (such as opiate pain medi- cations) to every corner of the globe, whilst still maintaining full batch and temperature traceability, as regulated by the USFDA, DEA, EMA, and UK Home Office. Our stringent Pharmacovigilance pro- gramme guarantees the safe and efficient distribution of pharmaceutical products through our centres in the USA, Latin Amer- ica and Europe. Our relationship with the Bermuda Hospitals Board dates back to 1984, when it was very apparent that the pharmaceutical industry was failing to serve the people of Bermu- da in their efforts to standardise distribu- tion centres and supply channels. This still continues to this day, and so we maintain a very close relationship with institutions across all of the Islands, as well as ‘aid’ groups such as PAHO and UNDP. Masters is committed to providing access to more essential medicines, through strengthening its relationships with existing customers in the Caribbean, and is now seeking to reach more medical professionals and healthcare systems in the near future. Medicines Reaching Further If you would like to speak to us to request a quotation or for general enquiries or, please contact us using the details below. Masters Speciality Pharma 1840 N. Commerce Parkway, Suite 2 Weston, FL 33326 USA T: +1 954 474 2210 F: +1 954 208 0088 E: W: BERMUDA HOSPITALS BOARD
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