Blue Waters Resort & Spa

8 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN VOLUME 9, ISSUE 1 BLUE WATERS RESORT & SPA be as progressive as we would like, it’s just about survival and keeping our heads above water,” says Phillips, adding, “We will definitely continue to do all that we can to put sustainable initiatives in place and make sure we secure the environment for future generations, but I must say it has been on the back burner during this time.” Prior to the pandemic, the resort had already implemented a water bottle initiative, and phased out plastic drinking straws. The next step will be to offer refillable bath amenities, phasing out single-use hair and skin care bottles. As for suppliers, Phillips maintains that without the unwavering support from so many of them, the resort would not be in the position it is in today. He shares, “I think it would be hard to call out one without mentioning them all. We are very grateful to our suppliers who recognized that we were in uncharted waters, and we were having a very tough time financially. I think a lot of it would not have been possible if our suppliers did not work with us during that period. We are forever grateful and thankful to them for that.” As Blue Waters Resort & Spa moves forward, Phillips acknowledges that the resort looks to both guests and employees to guide their culture of continuous improvement. He shares, “There are three Ps but if you invest in only two, which are your Product and your People, then the third P, the Profit, comes naturally.” Employee and guest satisfaction will continue to be a high priority for the company, as they find ways to enhance the experience of their beautiful island paradise. Moving into the future, Phillips says, “We want something to hold ourselves to, and to hold our team to. Our vision is to be the premier boutique resort of choice in the Caribbean.”