Jamaica Plumbing

6 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN VOLUME 9, ISSUE 1 and we give them the job. I have one or two people that I call whenever we need them, but we mainly use our vehicles. The demand is high right now, and we want to put another truck in our budget for 2022.” Jamaica Plumbing has continued to increase its online presence, with upgrades to the website in 2021, including changes to the payment method, adding the option of a direct bank transfer JAMA I CA PLUMB ING SUPPL I ES CO. LTD . instead of credit card payment. “In short, you should be able to go online, buy anything you want, and we can ship it to you anywhere you want. Hopefully in Jamaica, but then if you want it anywhere else, then we’ll attempt to see how we can get that done in terms of freight,” reports Neil. With no trade shows for almost two years, suppliers are finding other ways to reach out to