Jamaica Plumbing

8 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN VOLUME 9, ISSUE 1 JAMA I CA PLUMB ING SUPPL I ES CO. LTD . don’t know us for tile, even though they are saying they would love a one-stop shop, where they can just come in and buy the tile and the bathtub. We are trying to accommodate that. But I am not sure how big we are going to go into it. I know that we hold the number one place in Jamaica for plumbing, and we want to actually meet every demand. So once you walk in, I am disappointed if you walk out without everything you want.” While continuing to be the premier plumbing supply company in Jamaica, Neil has a few other things on his wish list for the next few years. The first is to owe less money to his bank, National Commercial Bank, who he considers a great partner to the business. The potential for future growth of the company is also top of mind for Neil, who adds, “My bigger wish list might derail that, because our customers from Montego Bay and Negril are making really hard demands on us for a store. We cannot afford to spend out of our pocket to put in a store anywhere else. I will not be able to that without owing the bank more money.” Suggesting that this growth is a likely possibility he adds, “Money is cheap these days. This is the best time in the history of my life to use bank money. I remember the days when we used to pay 40 or 50% for loan interest and now it’s between 6 and 9%, at the most we are paying. So that’s the easiest and fastest way to get new stores in Negril and Montego Bay.” This forward thinking approach shows potential for ongoing success, as Jamaica Plumbing Supplies Ltd. moves forward into a future of possibility.