Polar Bear Air Conditioning
3 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN VOLUME 9, ISSUE 1 ar Bear itioning F ounded in 1988 by Betty Ann and Chuck Mobley‚ Polar Bear Air Conditioning has grown from just a pair of technicians and two trucks into the leading provider of air conditioning and refrigeration services for homeowners and businesses throughout the Cayman Islands. At Polar Bear, weekly technical and customer service training sessions are provided, and team members are regularly sent abroad to learn about the latest equipment and techniques. Not surprisingly, the company is well known as the specialists in residential air conditioning and indoor air quality, as well as offering appliance sales and repair. Chuck Mobley, Founder and General Manager of Polar Bear Air Conditioning, recounts, “I came to Cayman from Texas in 1984 for five months and I’ve now been here for 37 years. My wife and I started Polar Bear on Feb 2, 1988 and today we have two locations – our office and a warehouse AT A GLANCE POLAR BEAR AIR CONDITIONING WHAT: Leading provider of air conditioning and refrigeration services WHERE: George Town, Grand Cayman WEBSITE: https://polarbear.ky/ Specialists in cool, clean, crisp air
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