Polar Bear Air Conditioning

6 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN VOLUME 9, ISSUE 1 POLAR BEAR A I R CONDI T IONING Mobley chimes in with a different – yet similar – anecdote from 2020. He explains, “COVID was kind of the same thing, it was a lot of unknowns, a lot of fear. So as a leadership team, we decided to look at it in a positive way. People are going to be in their homes all the time, so they’re going to need cool, clean, and crisp air – which is our motto. And so we assured our employees that they would get paid. We had meetings and check-ins once a week, and I did a rotation of calling each employee (about 10 a day) just to make sure they were all right and had their basic needs met. We got a government exemption as an essential service, so we could work, and slowly people started calling. They were surprised that we were able to go out and help them.” The Polar Bear team obeyed all the COVID protocols with masks, gloves, booties on their feet… they sanitized all their tools and took very good care. The fact that they could offer