Polar Bear Air Conditioning
7 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN VOLUME 9, ISSUE 1 sanitization for duct systems, along with regular servicing, was a true blessing for the company. But Mobley wanted to share his own feel-good kind of message during very troubling times. He reports, “We made the best of COVID and we sent out to each of our customers a clear, 1 gallon plastic kitchen bag with a smiley face on it. Inside was a sanitizer, a mask, and a roll of toilet paper. A lot of our customers got a kick out of that – it was back when toilet paper was a scarce commodity. We actually doubled our sales after the hurricane and with COVID we increased our sales, but the most important thing is that everyone was ok and we’re all stronger for it.” Mobley counts his employees as Polar Bear’s biggest asset, noting, “We have some really great people that we work with and one out of every four is a different nationality. We are very diverse.” Polar Bear Consultant & Service Technician Kieran Stirling, who hails from South Africa, is a prime example. He shares, “I’ve been here two and a half years and I diagnose and do maintenance on systems, as well as do quotations for replacement jobs that I find or get allocated to me. I came in with enough knowledge to do installs and be an apprentice and help out, and I was lucky enough with the training they offer to step up the ladder to where I am today. I find it very worthwhile in the sense that it’s very family oriented and if there are any issues, it’s really open door, whether it’s a business or personal question. In the field, there are numerous experienced people you can phone and they’re always willing to help out with the answers. It’s a very fun place to work, as well. We work hard but we also play hard, so I quite enjoy it.” One of the biggest challenges Polar Bear is currently facing is a significant shortage of equipment coming from the U.S. However, the company has a great relationship with local suppliers that has served them well. According to Ashley, “They were very instrumental in getting us equipment and material and parts throughout
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