Janssen de Jong Caribbean

management challenges, as many young people leave the island for education.“A lot of the students, they go abroad, they study abroad, maybe they come back, maybe they don’t.” To bridge this gap, the company has developed a multi-faceted approach to workforce development. They rely significantly on skilled workers from neighboring regions, particularly Latin America and other Caribbean countries. However, this solution brings its own complexities. “We rely a lot on immigrants from Latin American countries but then you have the difficulties with the work permits that have to be renewed every year.” For those alreadywithin the organization,the company emphasizes ongoing professional development and creating a supportive work environment. This approach helps maintain stability in their workforce while building long-term capabilities. The focus extends beyond finding workers to creating an environment where skilled professionals want to stay and grow with the company. SUPPLY CHAIN MASTERY AND MARKET AGILITY Operating in the Caribbean demands exceptional supply chain management and adaptability. For Janssen de Jong Caribbean, the post-pandemic landscape has reshaped their approach to materials procurement and project planning, while reinforcing the advantages of a unique organizational structure. “After Covid, we faced significant challenges with material supply as construction material prices went up, lead times went up, and freight charges went up,” Zwiers reflects. While the situation has improved, it’s established a new baseline for operations. “It’s leveling out, but it’s staying on that level. It’s not going back down anymore. It’s a new reality we have to live with.” 7 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN VOLUME 12, ISSUE 01 JANSSEN DE JONG CARIBBEAN