
equipment to access the waste material. The materials ultimately arrive at the company’s screening facilities, where Diproinduca sepa- rates the fines and the pellets, which are then returned to the customer. In the past, the primary relationships were with steel industry giants ArcelorMittal and Nucor Inc. Currently ArcelorMittal has closed its operations in Trinidad and the plant is for sale. Diproinduca looks forward to continue offering its services and expertise to the eventual new owners of this plant. “When the plant went into liquidation, there was still a lot of recoverable material on site,” says Boodoo,“and we had about another year and a half of work at the site.This served to have the site cleaned and ready for the new owners,who- ever ultimately purchases the plant’s assets.” “We will continue to provide Nucor with our ser- vices offerings,”he continues,“but hopefully there will be a buyer for the plant that has been shut down.We have rearranged our business structure so that in the short term, if the other plant does not come online,we are adequately staffed and not over staffed.As with any forward focused or- ganization,we continue to explore opportunities to diversify our business opportunities in terms of other products and markets.Our logistics and handling service supports any bulk product, ag- gregates, and minerals–in fact anything shipped in bulk.Anymarket we are trying to penetrate offers challenges, but we understand and are confident in our competitive advantages and are willing to put in the necessary works to continue to be successful.” Diproinduca is environmentally focused, and experienced in the delivery of an entire waste management portfolio.As Boodoo points out, the company’s spotlight has been on Trinidadian steel but the thirteen years of refining their PREFERRED VENDOR n DRI Shipping & Storing Consultancy Ltd. www.drishipping.com DIPROINDUCA TRINIDAD LTD. operations has taught them how to handle any bulk processing industry. Thus, it continues to focus on diversification strategies. “We’re still working at our core business – which is the by-products recycling from the steel industry–but the sophistication of our services is the key. It could be a maintenance service, it could be to develop another type of business related to industrial manufacturing,” Boodoo elaborates.“We have been looking at opportunities on different islands throughout the Caribbean.Our goal is to go in and partner with local companies and offer our capabilities with the aim of reducing the production and logistic costs in order to be more competitive in the mar- ket where we would be selling the materials.” When looking at where they need to be in the near term, Boodoo talks about striking the perfect balance.“We would like to achieve a fair balance between our international trading and domestic business,which means Trinidad and the Caribbean, so we would want to balance that,”he explains.“Secondly,we would want to achieve stability in terms of long-term contracts for trad- ing and operations.Once we have that in place, the company can seek to focus on issues of cross training for staff, personnel development, and the implementation of succession planning. “The Diproinduca group continues to invest heavily on research and development; this has always given us a competitive advantage in our industry. Continuing with this direction, we are focusing on the development of our R. I. B. technology– a proprietary technology to man- ufacture cold briquettes from by-products gen- erated at DRI plants worldwide. This we believe is the future of recycling certain by-products. It will allow our customers to recycle the majority of by-products generated on site, increasing their yield, reducing their carbon footprint in addition to the economic benefits that will result. “For us,”he concludes,“the main driver is not the bottom line.We need to ensure that we are fair, efficient and professional in what we do.We value and are committed to our customers and our em- ployees with the understanding that these values and commitments are reciprocated. It is this ideolo- gy that makes us a successful organization.”