massy tech

distributor for the Humanscale brand in the Office Interiors Division which provides an ergonomic furniture line that promotes health and wellness in the workplace. In terms of the diversification drive with the product portfo- lio, we have done that, while at the same time expanding our regional footprint.” Scott adds that the company has also made significant investments in its operations to better understand its customers and what they look for. “We placed a focus on strength- ening our customer service expertise and our service delivery to help us manage those relationships and customer experiences,” he says. “From investing in people to technology, to the diversification of our product portfolio, we have implemented those initiatives com- ing out of that strategic plan.” Now, says Scott, Massy Technologies Applied Imaging is moving ahead with a new strategic plan, currently in the blueprint stage. “What I can say is that the company will be focusing on its service lines in terms of the addition of new services; not so much on hardware as we have in the past, but more on services. We’ll be partnering with our suppliers, and some new ones, as well, to leverage their best practices and thought leadership in how we go about building up and designing our new services to offer to the market.” As the company works toward these new goals, something that Scott said during our PREFERRED VENDORS n MCS Software Ltd. n Republic Bank Ltd. MASSY TECHNOLOGIES APPLIED IMAGING first conversation about the true nature of his business, bears repeating: “When I think about who we are, and our purpose, it’s really about transformation - how we’ve transformed our customers’ environment or experience in a way that was meaningful to them, so that they see the benefit. How we deliver that ease of mind that allows them to go to work the next day and perform their job more efficiently and more effectively. People look at print as a piece of paper, but in certain industries, it’s mis- sion-critical, where that piece of equipment does not go down, and when it does go down you have service readily available and onsite to repair it and restore the opera- tions to full functionality.When we do that, we’ll have all the success in the world.”