TelEm Group

TELEM GROUP (S INT MAARTEN) Wi-Fi to call from their cell phones, as opposed to the old way of making overseas calls from landline telephones, which brings in considerably more revenue for the service provider than wireless. As a large corporate entity in St. Maarten, TelEm Group heartily acknowledges its social responsibility to give back to the people. Each year, the company and its personnel are involved in positive projects for the youth, senior citizens, the physically challenged, and women’s affairs – organizations with a great positive impact on the community. It also boosts the St. Maarten economy through job creation. Along with its regular employees, TelEm hires a large number of sub- contractors; paying out around $5 million per year in contract work for infrastructure and software, and hardware services. “Telecommunications, now, is pretty much an IT venture,” says Dupersoy, “so, we use a lot of local vendors to provide those services, pictured right CFO, Mrs. Helma Etnel pictured Pulling fiber conduits