Grenada Postal Corporation

whole business environment is changing. The traditional function of the post will remain to some extent, but we have to transform it into more of a parcel-related company. Because logistics is the way it’s moving forward, and we have that opportunity with improvement in technology that will help a lot in the area of revenue from ecommerce. Also there is a great opportunity for us to do more export, especially for the small businesses. Currently, I can get to the U.K. and the U.S. market for local products like spices, chocolate, sea mosses and these kind of things that we export. And we’d be able to help entrepreneurs to export those in small quantities, which can sometimes be a challenge.” That in itself, would bring in a large amount of foreign exchange and also enhance employment and revenue to the country. If an airline could bring in packages and have a full load to take back out, that would be exciting. Bhagwan adds, “I believe that getting involved in the area of logistics would really transform the post and bring new opportunities and revenue for us.” PREFERRED VENDOR/ PARTNER n NAHC 473-435-6928