Black Ink

7 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN VOLUME 9, ISSUE 7 skilled team of creative individuals that specialize in marketing, customer relations, promotions, graphic design and other aspects of the business. They currently have a pool of over 50 support persons they can draw from for promotional activities across the Island. They pride themselves on having a network of suppliers in the other Caribbean markets that they can call on at any time to execute projects mirroring exactly what they have done in Jamaica. Black Ink is known for executing major product launches and promotional activities. “To do what we do, and do it amazingly, we draw on most, if not all of our internal and external promotional staff. We can mobilize 50 to 60 persons at a time to do simultaneous activations island wide,” Rowe states. “That is the kind of employee staffing and reach that we have or can call on at any time.” Much of Black Ink’s staff have been with the agency for over a decade, and they pride themselves on being a big, happy family. “It’s a family team,” Rowe says. The agency’s employees are treated with respect and given the opportunity to showcase their ideas and talents. “The process of ideation is a communal process,”