Black Ink

8 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN VOLUME 9, ISSUE 7 Rowe notes. “Each person’s idea, perception and input are important, of which we all discuss and share. At the end, we agree on what fits best for each client based on their activity brief.” Even on the printing and fabrication side of the business, everyone has the chance to give their input. “Nobody feels left out of the whole process,” Rowe says. “The installers and artisans are part of the whole creation aspect, so that everything is seamless through and through.” Black Ink’s dedication to providing their clients with the best and most well-rounded service has paid off. “We’ve had very good relationships and most of our top clients have been doing business with us for over ten years,” Miller says. “We are proud that we have longevity with the relationships we shared with our clients.” As Black Ink moves to the future, they aim to continue to evolve to better themselves for the benefit of their clients. The next big change on the horizon is an expansion and new location. Miller explains, “Expanding is always on our mind. In the heights of COVID, when everybody was uncertain as to what the next steps were, as a faith walker, I decided that we have to come out on the other side of the pandemic stronger and even better. So, we invested in machinery that would allow us to take on even bigger projects. We have bought one of the best UV printer and plotter on the market, to complement what we already have.” “If you want to play with the big boys, you have to have what they have or even better,” Miller says. “So that’s where we are. We are just as competitive now, as we have the most advanced UV printer on the island. Evolving is always a big- ticket item for this dynamic team.” But it’s not just the physical machinery that’s getting an update. Black Ink is also looking at how to create new opportunities for their business in a world that has forever been changed by COVID. “We are now looking at how to create new opportunities with what we have. We will be embarking on retail production very soon; we have started to fabricate the prototypes / samples,” Miller says. “We have to be flexible, adaptable and, as I said at the beginning, the only constant is change... a chameleon in full effect.” To solidify them further as a force to be reckoned with, Black Ink Images and Signs Limited recently won the “ Productivity Innovator Award for 2022 ,” top prize in the corporate category presented by the Jamaica Productivity Centre (JPC), an arm of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security. “On behalf of the team at the Jamaica Productivity Centre, I take this opportunity to once again congratulate Black Ink Images and Signs Ltd for receiving the award of Productivity Innovator of Year 2022. We believe that your innovation has made a significant impact towards supporting productivity in Jamaica during unprecedented times,” said Tamar Nelson (Chief Technical Director) Jamaica Productivity Centre. BLACK INK